
you a law firm or an accounting firm? |
we are consultants and do not render legal or accounting advice.
If you need a referral to a licensed accountant or attorney in
your area, we may be able to assist you. |
much do you charge? |
charge a fee based upon the amount of savings achieved for you.
We are paid only if the creditor agrees to accept a reduction of
the balance owed. If we don’t achieve a reduction, our
service is free. |
I have to pay for long distance telephone, postage, copies or
other expenses you incur on my behalf? |
There are no other additional charges. |
are some of the benefits I might get from a negotiated debt
resolution? |
money saved, avoidance of litigation costs, faster resolution,
lower interest rates on borrowed funds, better credit scoring,
avoidance of bankruptcy, more time to work on your core
business, less stress, creating a bridge to a better time for
your business, keeping your business alive, increase in cash
flow, improved balance sheet and income statement, and
protection of your business or personal assets. |
the downside to using this service? |
isn’t one. Our service is free unless we get results for you. |
this like the credit card debt services I see advertised on
television? |
Most of these companies merely get the interest rate reduced and
then repackage the balances into a single payment for a fee. We
negotiate to get the principal reduced as much as possible. Big
difference. |
if I still need to do business with one of the creditors? |
some cases, we’ve been able to keep open or
reestablish important credit facilities even after the
creditor has taken a reduction on the balance owed. |
happens if the creditor won’t agree to a reduction? |
track record suggests that this rarely occurs. If it does
happen, you’re exactly where you started and you owe us
nothing. |
if I don’t have enough money to pay the creditor today? |
plans may be negotiated. You also may have non-cash assets that can
be turned into cash. |
is the best time to get started? |
These situations usually get worse with each passing month
because additional late fees, interest charges as well as
collector or attorneys’ fees often can exceed the original
principal balance if left unchecked. Each layer of collector
expects to be paid, potentially increasing your cost to settle
the matter. Take control of the situation by getting started
now. |
situation seems desperate. Can you help me no matter where I am
in the debt collection process? |
Few situations are as bad as they seem. You may be surprised by
what we can do. |
I get the same results doing this alone? |
not. First, we are professional debt negotiators and this is
what we do every day. Second, each time you communicate directly with
the creditor, you are giving the creditor a great opportunity to
discover a reason not to reduce the debt. For example, some
creditors will ask you for information to which they are not
entitled, make improper threats, etc.—all of which are pretty
difficult to combat if you are asking for a reduction but
refusing to provide the requested information.
As an unrelated third
party, we get past the games that creditors play. We also stay
on top of current regional and national market conditions and
industry trends and use that information to gain an advantage
for our clients.
create a custom strategy for your specific situation.
We put our
knowledge, experience and our
Tailored Approach to work for you. |
if I personally guaranteed the business debt? |
worry, this happens all the time. We can still help. |
you guarantee success? |
That’s why we have no charge if we are unsuccessful. Anyone
who guarantees what a particular creditor will do isn’t
telling you the truth. |
you stop the creditor from calling or writing us? |
one of our first objectives. |
do you think about bankruptcy as an alternative? |
decision about whether to seek bankruptcy protection should be
made in careful consultation with your legal counsel. That said,
businesses that usually seek our services prefer to avoid
bankruptcy for philosophical or customer relations reasons or because it doesn’t make financial sense.
In addition, filing for bankruptcy may have an immediate impact
on suppliers and other creditors with whom you don’t have a
problem, future extensions of credit and the loss of
business opportunities with entities that prohibit deals with bankrupt businesses.
As an independent third
party, we often see solutions you don’t simply because
you are too close to the problem.
You can have a clear conscience using debt negotiation because
the creditor’s agreement is required to approve a deal. The
creditor will do a deal only if it that makes sense to the
Remember, bankruptcy does have a real cost. Your credit
file will look as if a bomb exploded in it.
If you’re
looking for a reason not to file bankruptcy, a
bankruptcy attorney is not the one to ask! |
do I know you’ll use your best efforts? |
we are compensated based upon the amount of money that we save
you, our interests are the same as yours: to get the debt
reduced as much as possible. We don’t stop until we’re sure
we’ve negotiated the best possible deal. |
the creditor know that we used “BusinessDebtElimination.com”? |
All communications to creditors from our office are issued only
by our organization's name: Fintrust, L.P. |
do you make sure that the debt is really settled and that the
creditor won’t come back for more later? |
insist that every creditor sign and return a full and complete
release when receiving money. In cases involving liens,
abstracted judgments and other documents filed in public
records, we also insist on receiving original releases for
recording as appropriate. There are no extra charges for these
services. |
long does this take? |
depends. If you need a lien removed to close on a commercial
real estate deal next week, we’ll work to get a deal done by
the deadline. Our custom tailored approach to each client
includes consideration of the timing of events and the needs of
each client. For most clients, negotiations can be completed
in 4 weeks or less. |
do I get started? |
us for a free consultation. If we each decide it’s
a good fit, we’ll send you a short engagement agreement and
get started in a time frame that works for you.